Website SEO: How to Track Your Content Performance


There are tons of ways that your business can do to build a solid online presence. One of them is having a website. However, simply creating a website and uploading content won’t do the trick in the battle of eyeballs.

There are too many competitors out there, so your audience always has a bigger fish to fry. If you don’t nail their attention from the get-go, you’ll lose them– as simple as that. That’s why you need to make your website stand out by ensuring search engines that your content is best suited to their ever-more intuitive results pages.

In that matter, the easier your audience finds your content on search results, the more visitors you’ll have on your website. And to help you track your content performance, you need to spend more efforts on website SEO practices.

Below are some handy, actionable steps to monitor your website content so it can continuously sit on the top pages of search engine top results.

1. Audit Your Website

It’s crucial to have a solid grasp on how well your overall website content SEO performs before you understand how you can improve it. You need to make sure that all your content is SEO friendly.

Website audit gives you a complete insight into any website, overall traffic, and individual pages. That way, it’s easy for you to track your progress over time and keep your website ranking highly in search results.

Here, it’s also important to know what you’re trying to achieve with your SEO practices. What do you expect your audience to do after they can easily find your website content on the search engine?

2. Find the Top Metrics

Tracking all SEO metrics won’t make it any easier for you to improve your website content quality. In other words, there are only a number of essential metrics you should be tracking to focus on what needs to be improved and what’s going well.

Knowing the metrics that matter to you is an excellent way to understand what you’re actually going for and what you can expect from your effort.

While some metrics seem more like trends, others help you track your website content performance. Those metrics include organic traffic, keyword rankings, organic conversions, authority score, backlinks and referring domains, and more.

3. Use Essential Tools

Thanks to the rapid growth of technology, you can now seamlessly use tools to track your SEO practices for your website content. One of the most popular tools, when it comes to SEO, is Google Analytics. With this tool, you can track anything you want to know to understand how your website content performs.

Google Analytics provides you with essential, helpful SEO metrics that give you quantifiable proof that your efforts bring in more visitors– from organic traffic to backlink reports, just like what we talked about in the previous point.

4. Optimize Your Content

After you have all those metrics and tools in your pocket. It’s time to optimize your website content. Optimization isn’t just about updating and organizing your old website’s content. The big part about it is content creation.

You need to constantly produce new, fresh content like blog posts,  guest posts, customer testimonials, explainer videos to boost your ranking on the search results. With all the insights you have by tracking the performance, you now know what kind of content, both your audience and search engine value the most and least.

In that matter, it’s much easier for you to create SEO-friendly and engaging content to rank higher in search results.

5. Create A Spreadsheet

Another best way to keep track of your SEO effort month over month is to create a spreadsheet where you can input or update the new ranking each month. By doing so, you can easily see the fluctuations over time.

So, each time you write new content– whether it’s for a guest post campaign or video marketing campaign, you can add indicators like new keyword, organic traffic, behavior flow, and more to the spreadsheet and immediately start tracking the result of it.

Wrapping Up

By monitoring your SEO practices, you could identify simple changes that could double or even triple your traffic. That way, you’ll never be in the dark about whether your SEO efforts are paying off and how it’s all working the way you want it to.

Those five essential steps above can shed some light on what you need to do in monitoring and tracking your content performance. You might can’t control who visits your website, but tracking your SEO practices can help you to take control of your content success from the get-go and not leave anything up to chance.


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