We all have read that effective communication is the key to success, whether in personal or professional matters. Still, have you ever thought – what makes it so fruitful? Or how exactly it affects any organization? Below are the answers to all such queries.
It Makes Employees Feel Valued
In an organization, everyone wants to feel valued, especially people of this generation. The millennials rely on feedback and face-to-face interaction. Reason? They grew up in the age of social media, so they’re fond of sharing, commenting, and feedback.
Regular sharing of information within a team helps to provide such an employee experience. Plus, it continually motivates them by letting them know what they have achieved as a team. Moreover, internal communication increases teamwork and, thus, progress.
And it’s not just the words of mouth. Considerable studies demonstrate that 73 percent of employees say that communication makes them feel more valued in any organization. Also, a recent global survey by Imperative found that 73 percent of 26,000 Linkedin members want a career in which they are listened to and feel valued.
All and all, internal communication offers employees a sense of purpose for what they are doing!
Allows You to Control the Information Spread
To achieve our goals, first, we need to do our homework. We need to frame plans for getting there and our contributions in each step. It requires the 24/7 sharing of information. Any important corporate news or message should not reach your employees from an external source. It makes them distrust the organization.
The best way to keep control of the internal information spread is to make internal news accessible to all in real-time. Intranet solutions are perfect for this purpose. It provides reliable channels for information exchange available to every employee 24/7. With these channels, anyone (whether a management member or general employee) can communicate any crucial message in seconds to all or to the selected members – as per need.
Serves You As a Fruitful Marketing Exercise
Do you know that, according to Gallup, 70% of employees do not believe in the brand they work for?
This is terrifying as your employees are your most dedicated brand advocates. They are the ones that make customers trust your brand. Considering that your employees don’t believe in your product, how will they manage to build consumers’ trust?
So. first, you need to focus on internal marketing. Use internal communications as a marketing/branding exercise. Forbes says to approach your internal marketing the same way as external marketing. Know your goals and audience, then tailor the marketing message to earn their trust. Once you succeed in internal marketing, your employees will start to offer their 100% external marketing efforts. After that, you just have to sit and watch your organization reaching sky-high and achieving the success it deserves.
Authorize Middle Management
Most organizations share information through their hierarchies of top to down. This flow of information is entirely dependent upon the individual communication efforts of each person in the chain. As a result, it often results in improper feedback and delays.
With an intranet software solution for internal communication, you get location-specific or decentralized communications channels. These channels streamline the hierarchical flow of information by empowering middle management. This offers both: an effective way of distributing information and an opportunity to train better managers.
Final Words
Clearly, with the above considerations, it’s not wrong to say that internal communication is the backbone of your organization. However, a goal without a plan is merely a dream. As they say – if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. So, if you are using internal communication without a strategy, it’s of no use. Make a strategic plan and use platforms like the best intranet softwares. Using low-quality platforms, most likely confuse your staff and customers.