LinkedIn inmail automation

LinkedIn inmail automation

LinkedIn is a professional social network and website. You can use LinkedIn to make new contacts, find employment opportunities, and promote your business to potential clients. You can’t afford to ignore these benefits! is the only company that provides LinkedIn sales automation at an affordable price.

Here at “Lead Generation Tactics”, we’ve compiled a list of all the ways you can automate aspects of your business through LinkedIn. We’ll teach you how to turn your contacts into leads and prospects, get real-time updates on what your competitors are doing, and even let you know when new people have joined your industry.

LinkedIn’s InMail Feature

The first feature we’re going to look at is LinkedIn inmail automation. InMail is essentially free email marketing. It gives you a certain number of free emails that you can send out to people in your network, as well as people outside of it. These emails can be sent directly from your contact page, where LinkedIn stores all of your information about the contacts in your network. You select the recipients, write the email, and send it off. One of the many ways you can use InMail is to tell people about your awesome new product or service, and then track how many people open your emails and how they interact with them. Because InMails are sent directly from LinkedIn, they’ll come up as being sent from LinkedIn in the contacts’ inboxes. However, they don’t play by all the same rules as regular email marketing.

When and where can I send InMails?

You can send them at any time, but the best times to send them are when you’re spending time building relationships with your contacts and learning about what their goals are. If you do it right, sending an InMail during a social occasion will open up a whole new realm of people who may not be your customers.

What’s the difference between sending a regular email and sending an InMail?

InMails are sent from within LinkedIn. This means that your recipients will see the information about LinkedIn in the ‘from’ section of their email client. It also means that your message may look slightly different from what they’re used to, but the good news is that you don’t need to worry about being marked as spam by Gmail or any other email service (as long as you check your emails before sending). You can also see who’s opened and clicked on your InMail in your LinkedIn account.

How are InMails useful for my business?

LinkedIn inmail automation provides you with a direct line of communication with your contacts and potential customers. The best way to make use of this feature is to send personalised messages that really resonate with the individual. Keep in mind that if someone doesn’t know you or doesn’t want to be contacted, they won’t open your message- so don’t be offended if people don’t respond. Do some research and look at your contacts’ profiles before sending an InMail, and tailor it to what you’ve learned about them- this will increase the chances of them actually opening it.

How do I send an InMail?

To send an InMail, go to your contact page and click the ‘send message’ link on the right. From there you can select who you want to send your message to, and fill in the body of your email. You can select multiple contacts, in the case that you want them to see it at different times or if they have different contact info. You can also set a subject line and make customizations before hitting ‘send’.


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