Why is Mobile the Future of Everything?

Mobile the Future of Everything

Nowadays, many people will be quick to say that they probably can’t imagine what their day will be like without their mobile devices like a smartphone. There’s no shame in being dependent on this small device. After all, it has so many functions that make life easier. Whether it’s for work, communication, entertainment, or even errands, a smartphone can help make all that a bit easier.

This is why Forbes was right when they talked about how mobile is the future of everything in 2014. Today, the number of mobile users has already exceeded desktop users. Many industries are also starting to shift their focus to the mobile market. Popular retail stores have gone online and have mobile apps that you can download. You can even play games that you never thought will be available on a mobile device back then. This includes real money games on online casinos listed on sites like https://www.bettingsites24.in/.

It just makes sense that different industries are somewhat focusing on the mobile market. Statista reports that last year, there are already over 7.1 billion mobile users worldwide and this number is still set to rise to 7.26 billion by the end of this year. By 2025, it is projected to go as high as 7.49 billion.

There are also certain countries where the majority of the population are mobile like India. Ram Sewak Sharma, the chief executive of the National Health Authority of India spoke about this recently and said, “Today we have 1.18 billion mobile connections, 700 million Internet users, and 600 million smartphones, which are increasing 25 million per quarter. We have a strong connectivity base today.”

Statista did report that India has over 749 million internet users in 2020 and 744 million of them would go online with their mobile devices. This is why mobile gaming, betting, streaming, and many other activities are so popular in India.

Aside from India, countries with the most number of mobile users are China (953.55 M), the United States (273.76 M), Indonesia (170.4 M), Brazil (118.53 M), and Russia (102.21 M). Other countries in the top 10 list of most mobile users are Japan, Mexico, Vietnam, and Germany.

Mobile Activity in Numbers

A recent study by App Annie also reveals that overall, people spent 3.8 trillion hours on mobile devices last year. People in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Japan, which are all included in the list of countries with the most mobile users, spent an average of 4.8 hours a day looking at their phones. This number is 30 percent bigger than what they found in the last two years.

They also found that people spent the most time on social media or photo and video apps. The Gen Zs are the ones who spent more time on photo and video apps. Meanwhile, the Millennials are more into online shopping, finance management, and food and drinks apps. Gen X and Baby Boomers are more into browsing for medical information, news, and weather.

App Annie’s Head of Marketing Insights, Lexi Snow, spoke to ZDNet about how the lives of people dramatically changed since the start of the mobile era.

“The market is ripe, and demand is high for mobile content, services, and entertainment as consumers downloaded a record 230 billion apps.”

Theodore Krantz, App Annie’s CEO, said that mobile is now the greatest device of all time and it will remain so in the future. Krantz said, “The big screen is slowly dying as mobile continues to break records in virtually every category — time spent, downloads, and revenue.”


With all that number and current projection on how big the mobile market will be in the future, it’s easy to see why businesses and industries are shifting their focus to the mobile market. Mobile apps are more likely what many businesses will focus on.

These days, people prefer in-demand services. It’s typical for consumers to look for an app version of a website because it’s easier to access. For example, many online casinos and bookies are now developing their apps. Many of them treat their app users better by offering more promotions and bonuses. This is because they see that now is a good time to convert their customers to mobile usage. Now that mobile is still seen as the future of everything, many of these businesses just really want to be on the top and ahead of the game.


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