Want to Expand Your Business? Use Consumer Mailing Lists!

Consumer List

A consumer mailing list is defined as a business marketing list that includes specificdata and general information of the target audience. It is a way of expanding any business by reaching the right audience and providing them with the best services. It is also an effective way to promote selling and purchasing of online goods. As the trading of products requires the complete details of customers, so these lists help business-people and companies contact the relevant audience quickly. Today many professional companies are providing their services by offeringa systematic way to access and increase one’s consumer lists. These lists have not only detailed information but also are affordable. They also provide the most reliable marketing data one can ask for. All the information in these customer mailing list databases is updated regularly.

AGood Consumer Mailing List.

An excellent mailing list of consumers is the one that has complete information regarding the customers. However, the primary dataset usually consists of the following things:

  • Name and postal address
  • Date of birth
  • City
  • State
  • Zipcode
  • Phone number
  • Direct/personal e-mail address
  • Mobile phone number
  • Homeowner Status
  • Occupation
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Children
  • Education
  • Occupation
  • Purchasing behaviors
  • Household income and can include other factors.

Types of Mailing Lists of consumers

There are many different types of customer lists for various types of businesses. Following is a list of some basic types:

  1. New Borrower Mailing Lists
  2. New Homeowner Mailing Lists
  3. Retail Mailing Lists
  4. Travel Mailing Lists
  5. Hospitality Mailing Lists
  6. Targeted Lifestyles Mailing Lists
  7. Interests Mailing Lists
  8. Residential Mailing Lists
  9. Students Consumer Mailing lists
  10. Sports Mailing Lists
  11. Car owners Mailing Lists
  12. Brands Mailing Lists

AGood Consumer List

As there are different kinds of mailing lists, so the searching criteria for each one of them is different as well. Every corporation will search for a suitable consumer lists according to the products and services they offer. So, there are many different factors for the searchcriteria of these mailing lists. Some of the important selection criteria factors are:

  • Geography
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Household Income
  • Age
  • Homeowner vs Renter
  • Religion
  • Ethnicity
  • Marital Status
  • Children
  • Home sale value
  • Residential Area
  • Single/ multi-family
  • Pet owners
  • Donors or recipients
  • Purchase History
  • Business Details
  • Lifestyle goals and others

Various Formats of Consumer Mailing Lists

There are many formats in which the lists can be saved and transferred. However, well-known companies like listgiant.com compile and provide mailing lists in three easy to use formats. These mailing lists are not only available online but are also very helpful in managing business databases. So, their formats should be such that they should be quickly accessible and easily downloadable. The three most easy to use mailing list formats are:

  1. CSV file Spreadsheet
  2. PDF Mailing Label Format
  3. Printed peel as well as Stick Mailing Labels

Benefits of Consumer Mailing Lists

A well compiled and authenticcustomer data mailing list providesmany benefits. They not only increase sales but also offer direct access to online customers. We can summarize the benefits as:

  1. Provide a direct connection with customers
  2. Assist in digital marketing and improve sales
  3. Promote and assist the buying and selling of products and services
  4. Provide a way to promoting and strengthen brand-value
  5. Assist in attracting a large number of customers
  6. Help in retainingcustomers
  7. Provides a base for getting reliable reviews
  8. Plays a pivotal role in expanding the business


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