How Beneficial PDF File Formats For Virtual Classes? Check This Out

merge pdfs

Due to recent health warfare, the whole world halted. Businesses closed down, gatherings were restricted, and traveling was avoided. Most cities were put under quarantine to avoid physical contact. Despite the challenges, we continue to strive. Even though everything was paused, Governments still give utmost importance to education. Classes were alternatively offered online. The demand for internet connectivity and electronic devices increased.

PDFBear: Basic PDF Tools To Help Educators

Since Word documents are used to create the modules, you have to convert it to PDF. Regarding the presentations used during the class, you can also convert PowerPoint to PDF. Most office software offers this feature. You can either save or export the file to PDF. You can also use web-based conversion tools if your existing Word and PowerPoint Software can’t perform this function.

If you have different PDF files for each lesson or chapter, you can easily merge PDFs through an online PDF tool like PDFBear. As long as you have an installed internet browser and an internet connection, everything is set. You can send one PDF file for each quarter or semester to your students.

Compress PDF files. Since you have combined the PDF files, it may have a larger size. Make use of a Compress PDF tool to lower the size of your files. PDFBear is a free online tool that is accessible and easy to use. 

Learning through adapting

Virtual classes are conducted through video conferences. Hence, this preserved the teacher and student interactions present during the face to face classes. The commonly used applications for virtual classes are Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet. Thanks to technology, students and teachers can attend and conduct their online classes anywhere they are. Thus, this is very beneficial during quarantine, where most are staying in their homes. Another advantage of virtual classes is that users are involved in improving their digital skills. With the constant use of video communications apps and office programs, they continue to learn along the way. Before the online discussions, a copy of the lessons is sent to the students. This way, it helps the students grasp the topic for the next class meeting.

Document format for learning modules

The three common document formats that teachers can use for their modules shared online are Word, PowerPoint, and PDF. If you want your students to have the freedom to edit the file, you could use the Word or PowerPoint format, but this has disadvantages. Not all have the same office software being used. If they access the file on their devices, some formats may change, and the images will be lost. Furthermore, not all devices can open this type of file due to a lack of the right software and a shortage of disk files. Generally, PDF is the best format to use.

Benefits PDF format for modules

PDFs have a smaller size compared to Word and PowerPoint. It is easier for educators to share with the students. Upload and download time will be fast. PDF files are also non-editable. This helps avoid random revisions, which may wipe up some of the information which may affect the overall lesson. PDF files are easy to read. It is easy to jump from one page to another, and using the find function is possible. This is applicable when the PDF was created from a Word document. It is important to ensure that everyone can access the file. PDFs are accessible and compatible with all devices. For exams and quizzes, teachers can also set the file wherein students can fill out their answers in some parts of the PDF and send it back for checking.

In Conclusion

The PDF format has been around for some time. Since its first year of publication, it has undergone changes and improvements. It was made to be simple and easy to use. Now that virtual classes have become vital, the demand for digital technology has increased. Though we have other options for the document’s formats, PDF is highly favored. It has proved itself with all the advantages it has compared to Word and PowerPoint format. Because of its increase in demand in education, teachers and the non-teaching workforce must have the tools to convert and edit PDF file. During the pandemic, we have seen the benefits of having the PDF format invented.


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