Bail schedules and algorithms – Speeding up the process and accuracy of setting bail

Bail algorithms

Judges set the bail amount after hearing the case about the arrested person. After paying the bail amount, the person can walk out of jail but appear at the court on the date of hearing. It is the standard practice for an arrested person to avoid jail during the trial, or else he or she must spend the time in jail as an undertrial prisoner.  Bail is a commitment that the person will show up at the court for trial or whenever called by the legal agencies and will cooperate with the legal process.  There are some guidelines for determining bail amount, but judges have the liberty to deviate and vary the amount. Sometimes, the judge might release the person on their recognizance provided the person has some respectable social standing, in which case no money is involved.

Another way to avoid paying cash for availing bail is to obtain a bail bond like the Castle Bail Bonds Dayton. It is a written undertaking by the bondsman on behalf of the defendant to secure his or her release.  Furnishing a bond is more convenient than posting bail directly, which can be too much to handle on your own.

Bail schedules for quick setting of the bail amount

Some states have bail schedules that list the bail amount for some listed crimes so that the defendant does not need to wait for a court hearing to determine the bail amount. Instead, the defendant can post bail or bond based on the bail schedule available with the police. The bail amount has a link to the crime level and, more serious, the higher the bail amount. For example, the bail amount for charges of demeanor could be one-tenth of that for a felony. Paying the amount immediately will help you get out of jail without waiting for the hearing. However, following bail schedules deny defendants the opportunity of seeking a lower amount of bail that the judge might consider during the hearing.

Judges use bail algorithms

Although judges depend on their wisdom and experience to evaluate cases and determine the bail amount, they can even take technical help to determine the bail amount.  Nowadays, judges use bail algorithms to analyze all information related to the person and crime as the judge would have done under normal circumstances for determining the bail amount. The use of technology speeds up the process. It reduces the workload of judges besides making the process faster and removing biases and errors that can creep in when following the traditional method of setting bail.

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Using algorithms makes the process more transparent as the results obtained from the process using statistical analysis to determine the risks. The assessment of the flight risk of the defendant by using algorithms is more objective.  The algorithm helps to evaluate all kinds of risks that can arise if the defendant is set-free and covers everything from the possibility of fleeing to committing other crimes. Algorithms also consider a host of personal factors of the defendant and past criminal history and social and financial standing to suggest some recommendations.


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