How to enhance lab safety with fume hoods?


The exposure to fumes can be easily reduced through fume hoods that may be harmful and toxic. It is used for lab safety and protects the lab workers as well as the atmosphere. Various range of laboratory fume hoods are available such as vented enclosures, biosafety, and PCR enclosures, general-purpose hoods, ducted fume hoods, and extractor systems and among these, choosing the best one is the matter that requires to narrow down the options. You need to pick up the best one according to the applications.

Selecting a fume hood

While selecting s laboratory fume hoods, begin with determining whether you want to safeguard either your staff or both. You will require a vertical or horizontal clean bench or a PCR enclosure if you want to protect your products. On the other side, if you want to safeguard your workers and the chemical they used, then a ducted or ductless chemical hood will be more suitable. If you are using any powders, then a vented closure or fume extractor is needed. Moreover, a class 1 biosafety cabinet is required in case of biological. While protecting the products and staff members, a Class II bio-safety is required. 

  • Biosafety and PCR Enclosures

When it comes to protecting the personnel, then the hybrid models allow the management of sensitive materials. HEPA filtered Airflow is filtered entering into the cabinet and again, exit as well as discharged to the outside. The applications involve manipulation of dangerous as well as sensitive biological materials such as Class II and Type A2 Cabinets. 

  • Ducted Fume Hoods

The most rigorous user protection is required in case of outside ventilation, especially for chemically harmful fumes. The laboratory fume hoods with low airflow design give full protection while reducing energy costs. 

  • Ductless fume hoods

Before the air returning to the room, these enclosures pass contaminated air via a filter or filters. These are the best pick for the locations where the outside ventilation is not possible. These are very helpful to reduce the high percentages of particulates as well as biological hazards. Choose airborne chemical levels that can be decreased to safe levels as verified along with the monitoring protocols. 

  • Vented Enclosures

It enhances the fume removal by partially surrounding the sources of fume. Some models also directed towards the forced airflow to safeguard further protections. A delicate operation can be enabled through the low-flow ventilation systems such as weighing when it comes to maintaining personal protection.

  • Extractors Systems 

At the source of containment, it provides localized ventilation. You can easily position the arms of extractors to remove the fumes or airborne particulates. Often, it is used when the fume sources are readily shifted to a traditional hood or when the fumes are not harmful. For instance, the chemicals that are bad in smell but not at all harmful for health chemically. These systems are may also vent into the room and re-circulate through the filter or filters. 

Laboratory fume hoods for lab safety

Safeguard the personnel from fumes as well as vapors with the significant ventilation as required. Here are some questions that you need to ask while choosing the best laboratory fume hoods. Let us take a look at these below.

  1. What size of laboratory fume hoods is required? 

It includes various aspects of a hood such as a width, equipment enclosed, and dimensions. You need to decide what type of fume hood is required according to space and what is available with the preferred company. You should decide whether you want a bench-top or floor mounted hood. 

  1. Do you need fixtures or accessories of the fume hood?

These are not restricted but it may include airflow monitors, compressed air, cold water fixtures, laboratory gas, and electrical outlets. Finally, select the fixtures that need to be installed by default. 

  1. What about the exhaustion of the fume hood?

A blower is required with every fume hood and it is a myth that a blower comes along with a laboratory fume hood . Try to know whether it will be a dedicated blower or a central exhaust system. 

  1. Do you require a built-in blower or a remotely located blower? 

It is easy to install the built-in blower and thus, it is pocket-friendly too but it produces noise, and also, they ought to be reserved for non-harmful applications. On the other side, complexities are associated with remote blowers and create negative pressure while doing ductwork. 

So, these are some questions that you ought to consider and get the best laboratory fume hoods. 


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