How Do I Convert A HEIC To PDF?


The PDF format is still popular today, despite innovations and changes in file formats. It is used to exchange documents, slide shows, photos, and spreadsheets. This format was developed by the company Adobe. When creating PDF, the developers set the goal that any software would work with this type of file. People benefit from this development every day. This format was created 25 years ago. But today, everyone often needs to convert PDF to word, convert all sorts of files, such as HEIC.

This is a file format that allows you to create a photo in a smaller file size, but retains a higher quality image. But this type is not always compatible with other devices. If you want to set up your Apple devices to capture photos in a different format instead of HEIC, you have to:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Find the camera.
  3. Go into formats.
  4. Click “Most Compatible.”

If the device takes a photo and then mails it to other users, they won’t be able to open the image. You need to convert heic to PDF on your Mac to do this. There are many apps and methods to help you accomplish this. 

How to Open a HEIC File?

This format is opened by default in macOS, iOS 11, macOS High Sierra operating systems. An alternative option to open this file is XnView MP – it works on different platforms. This file format requires less space than JPEG, but it does not reduce the quality of the image – this is its main advantage. 

How to Convert a HEIC File to PDF?

If the user is unable to open a HEIC file, it is possible to convert it to PDF. This can be done with the help of various applications. In order to do this, it is necessary to:

  1. Open the browser.
  2. Find an application.
  3. Upload files.
  4. Select a conversion.
  5. Upload the finished file to your computer.

The reason why people resort to reformatting a file to PDF is the incompatibility of other devices with Apple products. Now, in order to send photos, several manipulations have to be done. Different programs help in this. In this way, you can share your best photos quickly and easily. 

PandaDoc Software – an Assistant in Any Situation

There is a PDF software that helps you work with various files comfortably and easily. This program is PandaDoc – a platform that offers a lot of opportunities for all users. The site contains a list of tools that help to perform basic tasks. You can also buy a special package and expand the list of such features.

To edit a PDF online or convert other formats to PDF in this program, you should:

  1. Select the file you want to convert and follow the instructions shown in the download field.
  2. Wait for the conversion to complete.
  3. Upload the finished file.

Now converting files or merge PDF documents has become much easier. This kind of image converter is designed for convenience. The simple user interface does not bore you with unnecessary functions – it focuses on providing quick results. 

The site values user privacy. This PDF splitter appreciates customers’ personal information, so it is a pleasure to use. 

This program is popular in many European countries. It is an assistant in many businesses. It is now much easier to work with a large volume of documents. They can be saved in storage, changed, and created directly on the site. Contracts or waiver forms are signed and sent remotely, which greatly simplifies all work processes.

If you need to combine PDF, all you have to do is find the necessary options and make a few clicks. The program completes any task quickly. This is the reason why it is in demand among users. 

Therefore, if necessary, any client can compress a PDF or convert a HEIC file into this format in a matter of minutes. It is becoming a favorite program of many users like macOS or Windows. The number of users grows every day. And all of them are satisfied with the quality of work and convenience of PandaDoc.


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