12 Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs: What to Look For


Diabetes is a serious medical condition that affects both humans and animals. Dogs, unfortunately, can suffer from diabetes just like their human companions. Diabetes in dogs can be tricky to diagnose due to the lack of obvious symptoms, yet there are some signs pet owners should look out for. 

This article will list 12 common symptoms of diabetes symptoms in dogs, as well as offer advice on how to detect the condition early.

1.Increased Urination

One of the earliest signs of diabetes in dogs is an increase in urinary output. This may occur even if there are no changes in the amount of urine produced.

2.Fatigue and Lack of Energy

Like humans, dogs with diabetes tend to be tired and have difficulty getting up from a sitting or lying position. They may also have trouble performing normal activities, such as playing fetch or going for walks.

3.Weight Gain and Loss

Weight gain is another common symptom of diabetes in dogs. This may be due to the fact that diabetics chronically lack insulin, which causes the body to store more calories. Alternatively, diabetics may lose weight because they experience anemia (a lack of red blood cells), which makes it difficult to digest food.

4.Increased Blood Sugar Levels

One of the primary ways that diabetes affects the body is by elevating blood sugar levels. This may be caused by eating too much sugar or not enough protein or fiber.

5.Increased Urination and Retention of Urine

Both of these symptoms are related to elevated blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are high, the kidneys work harder to control the flow of urine. This can cause urinary retention (when urine backs up in the bladder) and increased urination.

6.Increased Blood Sugar Levels and Fluoride Retention

Diabetics may also have difficulty excreting fluoride, which can lead to fluorosis (a condition in which teeth become stained with fluoride).

7.Eye Problems

 Dogs with diabetes often experience eye problems, such as blindness and glaucoma (a condition that causes pressure in the optic nerve).

8.Graft vs.Host Disease

In diabetes, the body’s immune system attacks the cells that produce insulin. This is known as graft vs.host disease, and itis a common cause of death in diabetics.

9.Renal Failure

Kidney failure is one of the most serious consequences of diabetes in dogs. If left untreated, diabetics may experience decreased blood flow to their kidneys, which can lead to renal failure (a condition in which the kidney cannot filter toxins from the blood).

10.Changes in skin or hair coat

Changes in the skin or hair coat may be a sign that your dog has diabetes. This could include thicker skin and hair, increased shedding, or changes in the color of the coat.

11.Changes in behavior or temperament

If your dog is displaying unusual behaviors or temperament changes, it may be a sign that he or she has diabetes. This could include the development of strange thirsts, seizures, or inability to regulate body temperature.

12.Complications with other diseases

Diabetes in dogs can often lead to further complications with other diseases. This is because the main symptoms of diabetes, such as increased thirst, appetite and urination, can interfere with the body’s ability to fight off other illnesses.

Additionally, diabetes can cause an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes, which can lead to further health problems such as dehydration, kidney and liver problems, and even heart disease. It is important for pet owners to be aware of all the possible signs and symptoms of diabetes in order to prevent any additional complications.


In conclusion, diabetes in dogs can cause a wide range of symptoms that can have considerable impacts on overall health. It is important for pet owners to be aware of the signs and symptoms of diabetes so that they can seek medical attention for their dog as soon as possible. If caught early, many of the negative effects of diabetes can be minimized or avoided altogether.


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